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Looking for your Best Weight Loss Results then don't settle for anything other than personal training at 'one of the Best Gyms in Dublin'

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Most of John’s clients did or are doing a 3 month program at Access Fitness. This is not the case with me as I’m only 16 and in school. So instead I went to see this inspirational man once a week so he could monitor my nutrition and keep me on track and motivated. I went to Jonny after hearing such good things about him from friends who had previously done training with him. Before meeting him I was extremely obese and was on the road to having a heart attack at the age of 16! On my first visit he didn’t bullshit me with lies or comfort, he just told the facts and what needed to be done to fix it. I got to eat so much more food than before (healthy that is) and the weight was falling off me every week! I was doing exercises I could never do before and I was just feeling great in myself for once in my life all thanks to John. When I was struggling he motivated me and made me work my ass off instead of going easy on me (I think he finds enjoyment in this). As well as getting me to lose weight, every week he would teach me something new concerning nutrition, fitness or mobility (not my favourite). The whole experience was so worthwhile and great fun as well. I've lost over 4 stone with this guy and I plan to lose more weight and build muscle by continuing to go to Jonny every week and also doing my own workouts. If you need to lose weight, build muscle or just generally want to feel happy in yourself then Jonny and the trainers at Access Fitness are the guys for you as long as you listen and push yourself. Thanks again guys for turning my life around.Darrach O Brien

So why did I go to John Kenny at Access Fitness? Well here's my reason why ..... I'm 42 with four kids under seven and apart from making sure I'm around for them I have wanted to lose weight for quite some time. I knew how and what to do but each time I would say I'll start on Monday and shovel another handful of Maltesers down my throat and grab a bag of Doritos washed down with a can of coke all the while telling myself, yes I deserve it I work hard don't go out and sure I'm not doing any harm not like those lads out drinking and smoking all weekend!

The wake up call came a short while ago when my brother suffered a heart attack if I continued the way I was going I would probably have one too. A good friend and colleague started with John and to say he got results is to put it mildly, it was like seeing a reality program on TV only I know this guy and how heavy he was so after many a talk with this friend I bit the bullet and rang John.  I could say the rest is history and wait for my next book but this is what transpired.

I met John and he agreed to take me on. If I say it was easy you probably won't believe me but it certainly wasn't as I expected. John doesn't believe in the hype that makes you spend money buying into weight loss programs, his ethos is eat a balanced diet plenty of protein the kind that comes from chicken and turkey drink plenty of water and listen to what advice he gives you, carry out his exercises. I never ever left his gym and said that was too hard I'm not going back, you do as much as you can and over time you do that little bit more. Sometimes  you won't even notice how far you have come. He probably won't like me saying this but after seven or eight weeks you will reach goals that you never thought you could achieve and the rest of the program you will learn to maintain the new body you worked to get. He's not into retaining you just to hand over money, he gives you the tools to maintain your new body and it's up to you from then on, either return to your old ways or wear the the clothes you want to wear not the one that fit you!

John I'm very grateful of your help and support and I wish you the best of luck into the future many thanks.

Ian Lawless

I did the 3 Month Life-Change Programme with John T. Kenny at Access Fitness.  Why you might ask? Basically, I needed to lose weight. Well that's what I taught but I soon realised I actually needed to loose Body Fat, Visceral Fat, Reduce my BMI and build Muscle. The 3 Month Life-Change Programme is not just gym work outs (which after you look back on is so much fun) it’s about learning yes learning... About your body and what it needs, on the food end I was eating more than I have ever had and the weight was falling off me. I had so much more energy and a whole new Outlook about life myself and my body. From being border line high blood pressure to better than normal and cholesterol levels below avg... So it’s now proof in the pudding (you people can’t eat that though) I'm down well over 4 stone and now building muscle. It is a lifestyle changing program... Yes, it was an eye opener and I loved every minute of it pushing myself to my muscle limits... so what now? Well it’s back for more each week cause the guys @ Access Fitness know their stuff and will get you to your goals. Your Goal is their Goal! Thanks guys. Keith Murphy

I never really had a weight problem other than putting on the odd stone here or there over the years but nothing a bit of walking and cutting out junk didn't rectify. I did attend a well-known slimming club on two occasions over the years and I joined the regular commercial gym too but never really went mind you. I think I expected that since I had signed up and paid my fee that the magic would just happen. So I did a bit on the treadmill (or the road to nowhere as I call it) and the dreaded cross trainer. Even danced around like a demented Muppet at fat burning classes and tried my best not to fall over at step classes. It was all rather boring and I never really saw the purpose of what I was doing so I would pop into the coffee shop a few doors down and convince myself I had earned a nice latte and large slice of carrot cake. Always meant to share it, but somehow I'd forget.

Eventually the day dawned, I think it was New Year’s Eve, when we all traditionally sit down and take stock of our lives and vow to make changes.

There I was, the heaviest I had ever been at 80kg or around 12st 5lbs and I just couldn't figure a way out. I knew I was eating all the wrong foods, my portions were too big and well my relationship with my pal 'Chardonnay' was too close for comfort.

Meeting my husband's friend Keith started me on the road to change. He told me all about the training he was doing and the results that he had achieved. When he told me where he was training I couldn't believe it, Access Fitness Dublin.

I went home, had a look at the website, saw Keith's "before" and "after" photos and when I recovered from the shock so to speak, I emailed John.

I arranged to meet John almost immediately and that was the turning point for me. John assured me that he could help and that I would be well able for the training as each programme is individually tailored to suit each client and what they are capable of. Unlike at a commercial gym where everything is generic.

I remember during my consultation asking John how he motivates people and he informed me that the motivation comes from within each individual. It will happen when I see the results I'm achieving from the work that I have put in. I realised at that moment that all this time, I had been looking for answers outside myself, looking for someone else to do the work for me, looking for a magic pill or quick fix that was going to sort everything out, when all along it was down to me (Sobering thought!!).

Fast forward 18 weeks and I am so proud of how far I have come. Weight loss was top of my list at the beginning it was all I was focused on. But now I am now fitter, stronger and healthier both mentally and physically than I have ever been and the weight loss just seems to happen with it. I am now 69kg from 77 when I started with John and never felt better. Also before starting I was popping pills for my High Cholesterol, Blood pressure and suffering with reflux. But through some specific changes in my nutrition my last GP check-up and blood test show there is no need for medications and I'm now off it all.

Myself and "Chardonnay" have all but parted ways now. I only see her for one or two glasses a week now as opposed to three to four bottles a week. This is probably the one achievement of which I am most proud.

Thanks John for all your help, encouragement and kicks in the ass when I needed it, couldn't have even contemplated this journey without you, and so looking forward to whatever lies ahead.

Hugs and more hugs, Aideen Pollard xxx

I was really struggling to lose weight and had tried everything from fad diets to Weight Watchers and nothing worked.

I had come across Access Fitness Dublin but it took me a long time to make the decision to call. I eventually picked up the phone and called John.

He arranged a consultation with me back in February and agreed to take me on and started me on the 3 Month Life-change Programme. Since I’ve started training I've been motivated and educated in nutrition, training and how important sleep is and the effect it can have on my hormones.

I have now been training at Access Fitness Dublin for 12 months and have seen some amazing results. Since starting i have lost 7.5 stone and i feel great. I’ve never enjoyed training so much.

It’s been hard work but fun and if you’re committed John and the rest of the team will help you to get the results you want.

Thanks once again for all the support over the last 12 months it’s very much appreciated. Derek Griffith

I just want to say a big thank you to Access Health & Fitness as I've been Personal Training with them for last 10 months. They have been superb and have helped me regain a confidence that was all but gone. I am feeling happy, healthy and fit and I know it's down to my lifestyle over the past 10 months.

I'm happy to say that I've enjoyed my 'Access Fitness' experience. It's hard work but a good laugh too, from their Facebook posts, to their happy smiley faces and friendly hugs and for me that's very important. So thanks again for helping to make the last 10 months easier than I expected it to be. I am by no means "there yet" but I'm a million miles from where I was 6 months ago and I'm so glad I picked up the phone that day. Jacq

I have been training in Access Health & Fitness since October 2013, initially I signed up for the 12 week Access Lifechange Program but its become a very enjoyable and addictive part of my life now. I have developed new, healthier habits and attitudes towards food and my general health. I am stronger, fitter, more energized and a few dress sizes smaller than I was when I started. John really knows his stuff and is always enthusiastic which creates a great atmosphere in the gym. The first 6 months has educated me for life and I feel like I have made a huge investment in my future health. I've been to a number of gyms but this for me is by far one of the Best Personal Training Gym Dublin. Sinéad Meaney

Access Health & Fitness will exceed your expectations as it is unique in how it operates and the trainers are nonjudgmental, practical and truly are interested in helping you achieve your goals. John Kenny in particular has an excellent philosophy on life. Inspirational has been used a bit in the recommendations and he is by far.

John doesn't believe in quick fixes or in fad dieting to artificially get results like other gyms or trainers, he aims to get you healthy through hard work.
He educates you on nutrition, he aims to encourage positivity and he WANTs you to succeed.
I started with the 12 week program and I never stopped. Why? Because I have never felt as healthy,as capable or as confident in not just my fitness but also in my outlook.

John and the team in Access Health & Fitness are going to set a new standard in the Industry and will be the benchmark that all gyms and trainers should be aspiring to. Kevin Gill

I would definitely recommend John Kenny. Definately one of the best trainers I've come across. In 12 weeks i have lost 2 1/2 stone. My strenght and fitness are way beyond what i thought they would be. It amazes me how much i can do in the gym now. John keeps the training interesting by changing it up every sesssion so no fear of getting bored. John's biggest complaint to me is that i still don't eat enough, definitely the first time that's every been said to me. I look forward to getting fitter, stronger and healthier with John's help. Krishna Padayachee