I’m writing this blog not as a Fitness or Health Professional but as a parent. Angie got in touch with me last week asking about her child. What should they eat during the day and around GAA. She tells me they have football coaches telling the kids this and that when they’re not qualified to but let’s not stop there. My children go to a national school and it's just garbage that’s being fed in by the government so it's bad information been given by teachers. So here is an insight into my children’s food and activity diary for the week. My two are Rod (9) and Todd (5) years old.
I personally lean somewhat towards the latter category and this might be viewed as a disadvantage, however when it comes to building muscle it’s relatively easy for me. Where we may view those who can eat freely without gaining weight as ‘lucky so and so’s’, for someone struggling to build muscle due to their genetics it could seem like a terrible hardship. Still, I can’t feel too sorry for them!
Last week I talked about the supplements that I believe should be taken by everyone from the sedentary to the athlete. If you missed it have a read HERE.
This week it’s the nice to have and I’m going to keep it brief and only going to talk about supplementing around your workouts.
Last week in part 1 I discussed the virtues of adopting a more holistic approach to your training with regards to building strength and muscle. This week I’m going to show you exactly how to do that. Check out part 1 here incase you haven’t a notion as to what I am talking about.
Time and time again I see so many people throwing money away on supplements that I can clearly see will not benefit them or are not required.
You know the lads that are lashing in the Mass Gainers, BCAA's and buckets of whey and then head off and do there 4 Sets, 10 Reps followed by a chipper and a few beers.
Or you have the ladies who beasts the life out of themselves in the gym, live off broccoli and Chicken and wonder why they’re weak, have crap sleeps and constantly crave chocolate.
We mustn’t complain really, we have all the answers on a plate in front of us. The problem arises however when we try to differentiate between what is a proven training principal or method and something that Joe Blogs thinks is or isn't a good idea but yet has conveniently left all and any context at the door. You see, context is key when it comes to discussing how one should go about building muscle or strength.
Do you think that maybe you didn't do the paleo diet right or maybe you didn't eat the right vegetables being a vegetarian. Here's one, maybe it just wasn't for you???
Back in 2012 I set about to lose as much body fat as I could; I lost over 30lbs of body fat/water but regrettably some lean mass too. I have eradicated the memory of each and every one of those workouts, because they SUCKED!
If you told me you couldn’t swim then I wouldn’t tell you to jump in the pool. The same applies to running, yet an endless amount of you think you can just throw on you New Year resolution Nike’s and out the door you go wearing down your knees step after step.
Going into the new year I imagine you’re looking to dust off the auld runners and renew that gym membership, ready to fulfill your NY resolutions. That’s great, but something tells me you might need some help!
How many of you eat white bread knowing that in a couple of hours you’re going to have an uncomfortable distended belly. You know you’re going to struggle to poo or else have the runs? How many of you know that you only get 2pm slumps after eating bread or pasta the day before?
So why do you continue to do it? If you put your hand in the fire and burnt yourself you wouldn’t put it in the fire a second time.
Yes, I’m talking about your New Year’s resolutions. You know the ones, “I’m going to give up the smokes, takeout’s, chocolate, I’ll train three times a week, in bed by 9pm and think only happy thoughts all day long”. Ye and three weeks later you’re sitting down in the pub laughing about them and talking about how 2016 will be the year
With the exception of a medical condition there really is no excuse these days when it comes to achieving our fat loss, strength, muscle gain or endurance goals, or any other goal for that matter.
All the science, research, knowledge, how-to’s, training plans, diets etc can be found with the click of a single button or with some choice words in Google.
So with the New Year just around the corner I want to inform you what exactly it is we do and our Ethos at Access Fitness Dublin and who knows we may find you joining us in the New Year.
They say that men think about sex every six seconds, I say they're wrong, whoever they are? Try every three seconds, except for me it’s food... Food and sex... Food, sex and lifting weights, every three seconds, all day, every day, always!
I don't care about being strong or lifting weights, I just want to look good naked!
It's true, the majority of us just want to look the 'dogs' in our birthday suits, and that's great, but what if you were told you could look amazing in the nip and perform like a hero too?
I don’t know what it is. Do people think that because information is free is it not as good as what you’d pay for? I guarantee you that the information I give in my blogs is no different to what I give paying clients. So am I saying that if you were to implement the info from the blogs you’d get the same fantastic results as my paying clients? I’m saying exactly that.
It’s great to see so many people nowadays into their health and ditching commercial gyms for Personal Trainers but at the end of the day, it’s not cheap and so many of you are being conned out of your money and have nothing to show for it after 4, 8 or 12 weeks.
So today I’m going to have another moment of cutting the crap in and tell you the truth.